Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Into the Void of Frank and Fox

Fine and dandy, nearly every last bit of it. Ignoring the obvious is not always a sign of ignorance but self-preservation. Ignore the critics and charge ahead into the great pink void.

Voided check and even more voided trysts. Where do all the voided checks go? Null and void. Null and void and invalid. Null and void and invalid and forever banished. Null and void and invalid and forever banished and not fit for human consumption. Null and void and invalid and forever banished and not fit for human consumption and not to be consumed with alcohol. Null and void and invalid and forever banished and not fit for human consumption and not to be consumed with alcohol and may cause drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, stroke and in extreme cases death. Null and void and invalid and forever banished and not fit for human consumption and not to be consumed with alcohol. Null and void and invalid and forever banished and not fit for human consumption and not to be consumed with alcohol and may cause drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, stroke and in extreme cases death and not to be attempted at home.

It's the night of the living voided checks, rising from the grave yard of both canceled and voided checks. They have come to be redeemed. They are kneeling before their most financial redeemer. Checks are being franked and books are being foxed. Desperate librarians pour in with boxes of damaged volumes as they bow before the evangelical biblio-dermatologist who lays his hand of the blemished pages.

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