Thursday, August 21, 2008

Interactive Thursday: Back to School with Junk Thief

One of the best things about Photoshop and similar software is that you can pull out all your old yearbooks and make porno videos with all the macho jerk jocks that tormented you in your teen years and have them play your submissive, begging, insatiable costars. Well, so I've heard from people who do that sort of thing. (Ahem.)

On a much more wholesome note, you might want to run your own face through the software at Yearbookyourself. My favorites are the ones with the ever so caviler spectacles since that's pretty much what the real thing looks like.

Since Tugboat Dave is in the Caribbean, we're doing our own photo challenge here and asking you to take the Junk Thief dare and run your mug through this program. Or be really brave and show us your actual senior photo.

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At 9:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh dear. That's hilarious.

I'm pretty sure that software might have lifted MY actual hairdo for the Class of 1986. True story!

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Joe - I hear you. What's really spooky is that a couple of these "doctored" photos could pass for my real photos back then.


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