Friday, February 12, 2010

Maya VaVoom

Bryce Digdug was kind enough to treat Junk Thief to see the Lucha VaVoom show at San Francisco's historic Fillmore Auditorium where a shrine to Janis Joplin watches over the coat check stand. The show featured sex, violence and brown matter. We enjoyed it and felt it was worth the price. (Bryce won the tickets at a bingo game on the campus of Jesuit USF.)

When Junk Thief got back home, he told Mr. Sullivan all about it. At first he tought Junk Thief had seen his old friend Vivian Valvoom from San Diego. Mr. Sullivan was more intrigued that they have been playing several years at Los Angeles' fabulous Mayan Theater. It is a wonder that equals Copan which Junk Thief has visited three times. Junk Thief was probably the only Spanish speaker in the audience. The wrestlers were actually Mexican but probably not Mayan though a bit of the Mayan empire and Mesoamerica includes southern Mexico. Mexico and at least two Vancouvers are in North America. There is also a Mayan Theater in Denver that Junk Thief plans to check out in April.

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