Thursday, April 26, 2007

Up, Up with Cats

Fellow writer/blogger/stand-up comic Bryce Digdug has an amusing reference to Up with People, that really, really bizarre group that promoted the American Way and patriotism back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I'd not heard or thought of them in decades until a few years ago I had a booth for my non-profit organization at a conference in Indianapolis. One evening I heard over the PA system "Don't miss tonight's headline entertainment -- Up with People!" Egads, they're still around, but they now had an international cast, still promoting something on the order of patriotism. In response to Bryce's post, I suggested that I'd been a member of the cast of Up with Cats! back in the 1980s and spayed myself with cat nip and danced around in a mouse costume to put those felines in a frenzy. Bryce made me aware of a good/bad movie called Eye of the Cat which features cast members who also appeared in Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.

Bryce is the only person I know with an encyclopedic knowledge of the monster flick Mothra, a film I know in legend only but long to see. I think Bryce should do the DVD commentary or be filmed doing his comedy routine that heavily references Mothra.

Eye of the Cat
was shot in San Francisco which further tempts me to check out this tale of a crazy old woman in a mansion protected by a group of cats. Of course, I know who I'd cheer for. I especially have a weakness for movies that have a poster with a woman screaming. I
just hope nothing bad happens to the kitties at the end!

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