Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flame This

I spent the better part of today and tonight -- at a high end cocktail fundraiser -- in Oklahoma City's Bricktown. I wanted to make sure no one thought I was outright deriding the place. It's got its flaws, but how can you deride a place with a place with a street honoring local band the Flaming Lips? Can Manhattan or Seattle touch that?

Further, the shot below disproves the doubters who say it's a myth that Bricktown has a lot of pedestrians and street life. I saw the pedestrians, both of them, as documented below.

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At 8:06 AM, Blogger joe*to*hell said...

dont the Lips deserve better than what looks like an alley in an abandaoned neighborhood?

At 9:38 AM, Blogger WAT said...

Wow. Oklahoma looks really really...


And caught back in time somehow. Almost has a 1950's feel seeing these pics you've been posting. I wonder if they lynch gay people.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Salty Miss Jill said...

Yeah, where are all the people? Anyone? Anyone? What about these cute college boys?

I still wanna visit. Great photos.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger mouse (aka kimy) said...

well seeing is believing (the people) - my experience is folks don't really walk down down there in oklahoma or texas - unless forced!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Joe - Well, this is actually deep in the heart of the "vibrant" Bricktown district.

WAT - I don't know if it's desolate as much as S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D out like crazy, a small city image pulled out like silly putty.

Salty - College? They have colleges in Oklahoma?

Kimy - Eleven and a half months of the year it's too friggin' hot to e outside in Texas.

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

I drove right smack-dab by this exact place this afternoon, while I was downtown on bidness, and I 1., thought of this here blog, and 2., thought, wth didn't he get a pic of our great little Triple-A ballpark, right next door? :-)

These're all honest pix. But they're just snapshots.

Shit fire and savfe matches, boy. We're just now gettin' into stuff that West Coasters got tired of 20 years ago. Hey, the '80s oil bust kicked Oklahoma's ASS. Totally. Didn't start gettin' over it until the mid-'90s. It's taken until just the last few years -- and that goddamn Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing and the nearly one hundred and seventy effing people dead, plus about a BILLION dollars of public and private capital investment, and several tax levies, approved by the peeps theyselves, since then -- to start to work through it all.

If ya smoke 'em, next time yer here try Maker's Cigar and Piano Lounge in the Oklahoma Hardware building in Bricktown. Nice place. I was there tonight.


Sorry. But every time a GD tornado, or a recession, or a blown-up downtown office building, hoits this place, OKC rises up and kicks ass. And I'm a newcomer -- only been here eight years -- who grew up in Oklahoma biut closer to Little Rock, Ark., than OKC.

But I will be downtown Sunday for the state centennial parade with my by-God cowboy hat on, and an attitude sayin': Go ehad and kick our ass; we will kick yers back!


/end rant

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

ER - Thanks for the piano bar tip. I'll just miss the parade. It sounds a lot more fun than our Pride Parade or Folsom Street Fair (if you think I'm tough on OKC, see my rants on these two SF events).

I passed on AT&T Park since we have one of our own, albeit with more doped up players.

Nice to hear from a local while in town. I guess Rich Bachelor sent you my way.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger jason said...

I'd love to see that
Brasilia Cinerama church.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger drlobojo said...

As for the Lip's street sign, it is stolen on the average about once a week and then is replaced. I was told that the OKC street dept. recently had 200 of them made up for future use.


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