I am back from the wonderfully lively, bawdy, funny, racy and musical night out at Stage Werx to see Circus Finelli, a troupe of four amazingly talented female clowns who bill their show as a "slavic circus". Nothing makes it Saturday night quite like a cow dancing to James Brown, a acrobatic cabbage head, a sexy shadow show, juggling of knives and four contortionist mermaids moving to a disco-fied version of Saint-Saëns "The Aquarium". When I met Luz Gaxiola balancing on her rolla bolla while playing accordian, singing a Mexican ranchero tune and shooting a pistol at the Clarion Alley weekend last month. If you didn't see that video, check it here.
The show goes to Slim's on November 28, and if you can believe their website, they are going to Mongolia next summer.
Location: San Francisco, California, United States
JunkThief is your typical Gallic Jew boy born on the Great Plains, went to Gotham and Ouagadougou and Kathmandu before settling in San Francisco's Mission District. Now he searches the dark alleys of that city to find good conversation, Weimar culture and (but of course) the perfect door knob.
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