Sunday, February 08, 2009

Some Things Manage to Return

Much to my surprise, over the weekend I heard from the creators of the literary blog Wood Coin who were making contact with authors who had appeared in the literary magazine of the 1970s to 1980s, CENTER. It was especially surprising to hear from or about something where I was published three and a half decades ago when I was a teen. The piece was, if memory serves me well, called "A Spin Around Town" and was the first piece of fiction I had published and for which I received payment. Ten dollars, again if memory serves me well.

CENTER was published by Carol Berge, whom I think I heard speak on campus and gave great praise to me at the time as a "promising, emerging voice from the prairie." Adding to the headiness of being published was hearing complimentary letters unexpected places that included Lucerne and Tierra de Fuego. I was said to learn that Carol died in 2006 but pleased to find the above linked site to her life and work.

When I spoke over the phone to Rich Bachelor while in Portland last fall, he mentioned that his blogging was preceded by publishing 'zenes -- real words on real paper. Sometimes I regret the passage of such publications and literary magazines and mix tapes. And then I will think that I will abandon the blogging and return to real writing again. In the meantime, I'll check out more of Wood Coin and try to track down that first published piece that I know is somewhere in my troves of ancient script.

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At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting indeed. Do you think it's possible to both blog and write on paper? Do you still have a typewriter to test such a theory?

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Reidwords - Oh, I can even write on paper with an ink pen! An amazing skill I learned in the previous century.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Gary said...

wow. If you find your piece you must republish in on JT.

I was thinking just yesterday about the fact that my intense journal keeping has been replaced by my blog. I document my life now there instead of in my charming journals. Every once in a while I will pick up a pen to write in my journal but it is not as often. It is more trouble because I can type much faster than I can write, although maybe a bit of forced slowing down is not a bad thing. And I write things in the books that I wouldn't put out on the internet.

I have started to print all of my blog posts and put them with my journals to signify their place along the continuum. Boy, I really went on here. Sorry.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Gary - Maybe I should cut back on all the things I document since I have a garden journal, a spiritual journal, a house journal and a plain old journal. It's not exactly charming, and a place I can be cranky, depressed and whiny. I try to avoid that here!

At 1:48 PM, Blogger rich bachelor said...

A lot of my bloggin' of late has been reprints from old notebooks, and some cadged from the aforementioned 'zine. It's odd: I used to carry a notebook with me wherever I went, and wrote with impunity about all manner of things. Now, I do this, and feel more of a need to edit.

Actually, the next thing I post will be at least partially from a recent attempt to actually diarize again on paper. We'll see.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Rich - There is something special about writing on paper, and I have a beloved Egyptian Uni-Ball gel pen my sister gave me 20 years ago that I swear by.


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