Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Love Child of the Week - Episode 2

Since there seemed to be such a positive reaction (especially from Tugboat Dave) I thought I'd have another installment of Love Child of the Week. This image is part of a little slide show of sights up and down Valencia and 24th Street to give you a feel of the neighborhood JunkThief inhabits. Those who know JunkThief well can confirm that he is a chronic street walker, forever snapping odd sights up and down the streets of the Mission. The photo above is from the always intriguing display window at Artists Television Access (ATA). What beast has mankind bred!

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At 3:37 PM, Blogger Joy Keaton said...

One of my nearest and dearest lives right on Valencia! What a small world.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

And like many "left coasters" I had my years in Manhattan and Park Slope. Sometimes I think Noe Valley and the Mission are almost Park Slope, but not as many trees and much more pastels.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Emily Suess said...

I like it. Of course, here in the midwest it'd probably be marked for immediate removal. (Not patriotic enough to be called art.) :D

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

2WH - Growing up in Oklahoma, you'd only see its head mounted on a plaque on the wall or the horns on the front of a truck. If you look closely, you'll notice it's standing on plaster busts of Einstein. Brain power...

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Oh, it's standing on busts of Einstein.

Now it all makes sense.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger cb said...

I love that pic!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Dave - Standing on Einstein makes us all just a tad smarter. Try it sometime.

CB - Thanks!


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