Thursday, July 05, 2007

Love Child of the Week

Is it a hebra, zorse or zebrula? Scientists are saying that their biggest concern about the accidental offspring of a zebra and horse is that it will have trouble making friends and finding a mate. I am thinking about naming it as my source animal.

Music up, Cher lets loose with "Half Breed."
Ohm. Ohm. Ohm.

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At 10:50 PM, Blogger The Blue Elephant said...

Is this a zebra deconstruction?

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Scot said...

I'd like to see more than one photo to know it's not a hoax....The website you link to does seem to be a real news site though... I also wonder why it's an accidental offspring. Did the condom break? Were there too many margaritas? Is it, like my nephew, a tequila baby?

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

It's real, and it was the lead item on AT&T's banner page. (If you trust those guys.) Though it does sound more like that recent post about babies on board the bottom of the Titanic. I think horses tend to drink bourbon more than tequila which is more a donkey drink.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger rich bachelor said...

Well, extant or no, we'll love it just the same.

I'm not sure how we got on this, but my friends and I all started singing 'mung bean' in the chorus to that song...Try it Cher style: "HMUNGG BEEOWWWN!" It'll change yer life.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Oh, oh, please tell me that "Love Child Of The Week" is really going to be a regular feature...

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Rich - That lyric works well for me. I think you and Aunty Christ should consider cutting an album recreating the entire Sonny and Cher songbook replacing all the lyrics with names of vegetables. I've been thinking about doing something similar with old Tom Jones songs and cuts of meat.

Dave - I just may. Do you have any little bastards of your own you'd like me to feature?

At 10:00 PM, Blogger WAT said...

I think this animal hybrid is adorable.


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