Taking Manhattan
This year I decided to visit Manhattan to celebrate year 52 and my 20th year of working for World Neighbors. Neatly, a blogger meet up emerged organically, and it was an amazing, touching four day weekend.
Nasty weather, humidity and an hour delay did not manage to dampen my spirits when I arrived Friday night and headed up to the East side Friday night Joy's place (she embodies the lyric from 42nd Street of "sexy ladies, from the 80s...) where she, Mark and Gary buzzed me in and were serenading me with a birthday greeting at the top of the stairs with handsome four-legged Basil peeking through their legs to smile at me and flash his potato chip loving tongue.
Afterwards, Joy took me to see a friend of hers named Robert at the Rodeo Bar and I videotaped it and you can see on my previous post. Late as the night may have gone on, I kept reminding myself that it was not even midnight yet in San Francisco.
After a breakfast with Nicole in Little Italy, I went to the
That evening our blogger group had the meet up at the Soho Grand. Steve, Jill, Husein, Ched, Kim, Brice, and Ed were all there. After a few drinks, we had greasy food in
Sunday I saw the Van Gogh exhibit at the MOMA and then saw the amazing production of August, Spoiler alert: In the third act, when one character said "He's not your cousin, he's your brother!" a man behind me, in a thick Okie accent, belted out "Yep, that's Osage County." Seated in the third row, I was oblivious to the fact that the show went on for more than three and a half hours. I could have watched another five. And what a thrill to see Estelle Parson on stage for the first, and likely last, time in my life. At 80, she was a ball of energy, charging up and down the stairs, struggling with a daughter trying to strangle her, and nearly chewing up scenery in this amazing play.
That night I headed over the bridge to Park Slope to have dinner with W______ and had a few moments of icky nostalgia in what used to be the flat we shared on Garfield. .
Monday, I took a quick stroll through Central Park and then visited ideos. I spoke a bit about the issues of inequity between boys and girls in the Global South, and I was greatly impressed by the questions of the girls in the class. I hope it doesn't take that long, but when there is a woman in the White House, I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of Gary's former students.
Finally, I strolled through Wall Street which has an odd pall on the day the market took its biggest drop ever. Ironically, I was on CNN for an 18th of a second while strolling before the cameras.
The whole trip was way, way to short. The high point was truly the blogger meet up. We're not sure how we all came together, but we think it was likley the handsome and charming WAT in southern Cal.
oh hey! I throw shift parties all the time!
As for birthdays, I've given up on people in my home and I just send out an evite for everyone to meet up at the ballpark for the homegame that falls closest to my birthday.
No clean up, no expense, and everyone has a good time.
LORA - I probably need to try to ballpark option as well.
Now we take Berlin.
(it had to be said :))
Jill - "You see that line there moving through the station? I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those..."
I couldn't resist that line either.
Love that song and loved meeting you!
The only thing missing from this visit was the reenactments of certain scenes from VOTDs, but that said it seems like an experience chock full o' memories.
What a pleasure it was to meet you. I thank you for dinner, for sharing a bit of your knowledge with my students and for that impressive book. I actually used it today in a lesson(remember how they were taken aback at the sheer size of that thick book) and look forward to sharing the stories with them this year.
I can't get Gina Gershon in a stewardess outfit out of my head. :)
Gary - Well, we'll save our Valley of the Dolls re-enactment for the next time.
You certainly did seem smitten by Gina. Are you changing teams?
So glad you and the kids are that book. They inspired me to follow through with my pledge to volunteer at 976 Valencia. Being with kids enriches our lives.
I'm glad you enjoyed August, I too felt as though I could have watched for the rest of the day. I don't know anyone else who has seen it so I guess your opinion validates mine.
Mark - Did you see it with the original cast? As first I was disappointed that I didn't, but being in the third row to see Estelle Parsons at 80 give what will likely be her final great performance was a near religious experience.
I saw it with Estelle Parsons. Deanna Dunagan and Rondi Reed (Mattie Fae) who both won Tonys had left the production already. Estelle Parsons and Amy Morton were both amazing.
Mark - I was just amazed that at 80 Estelle was running up and down those three flights of stairs so often, surviving being strangled by her daughter and having so much energy for being on stage three and a half hours.
Hey, I want to be in on those VOTD reenactments. :)
(I want to be Barbara Parkins, even though she plays the most boring character.)
It was great meeting you!
Steve - We will definitely need to have a VOTD re-enactment next time. Gary, Mark & Joy are definitely already on board. I think Jill and I may do "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf".
I just got home from seeing August: Osage County! WHAT A HOOT! EAT THE **&&*ING FISH!
Joy - Glad you enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, it was better than... I really could have sat there for another 3.5 hours of family dysfunction.
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